Photos and Thoughts from HeroesCon 2024

This was my first HeroesCon and I enjoyed it. This Con is a real deal comic book convention. I say that because some cons are more focused on movie/tv celebrities or anime or just  general fandom. Not HeroesCon. Nearly every vendor there was selling comic books or something very comic book adjacent. I definitely liked the vibe but it also felt a bit more competitive than other cons because there were so many indie comic book creators.

Me and Dan Price(@danomyte139) creator of Big Foot Knows Karate 

I'm pretty introverted for the most part but I got a chance to catch up with a lot of creators I've met at cons before and of course meet some new creators.   This was by far one of the largest Artist Alley's I've seen.   I'd advise any comic book creator to come to this con just to connect with artists, writers, enthusiasts and comic book collectors. 

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